The Vancouver Learning Centre
is the "Village" it takes
to get the very best outcome
for each learner.

The VLC is not a school but a Specialist Learning Centre. The VLC delivers a team-based process. A teaching captain is assigned to oversee the program delivery and to be the main contact with the parents who then become an integrated part of the team. Schools can then be involved as appropriate.

In the case of home schooling, the curriculum, homework tasks, testing, and the program to earn credentials and provide oversight to the curriculum is up to the distance education school. This becomes the learner’s school and the VLC will work collaboratively with the school’s contact person and will actively address all IEPs or special needs developed by that school.

Whether the student attends on site at VLC and remains as part of a class or works with a distance education school, the VLC becomes the specialist provider of one to one teaching based on the special needs of the learner in collaboration with the learner’s parents and the contact person assigned by the school.

The Vancouver Learning Centre
is the "Village" it takes
to get the very best outcome
for each learner.

This section contains a list of programs with focus on learners with anxiety, learners requiring intensive teaching and mentoring, and learners preparing for post-secondary education.

Program Tools

  1. Worry Dragons: Coping Skills for Children with Anxieties
  2. University Readiness
  3. Credentials at Secondary and Post-Secondary Levels
  4. College and University Coaching Services for Underachievement
  5. BOOST (Buying Out Of School Temporarily)

At the Vancouver Learning Centre, in addition to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) procedures for managing behaviour, we use a program for Coping Skills for Children with Anxieties called Learning How to Tame Worry Dragons by Sandra L. Clark PhD.

For new clients the process begins with a complimentary interview and discussion of goals and challenges. Perceived strengths and areas of concern emerge in this dialogue.

From this information and school records if available, an individualized program is designed to enhance university level academic performance.

In some cases, in part-time programs and usually in the BOOST program, the VLC program design is complemented by correspondence courses from the Correspondence Learning Network (VLN) service from K-12, like EBUS, the VLN, Self-Learner, etc., and from Thompson Rivers University (TRU) for the post-secondary level. 

The content of these courses is taught in an engaging way to each student one-to-one, using

Some college and university students struggle to achieve the grades they need to pass their courses or to achieve good enough grades to enter graduate school programs.

BOOST is a full-service program that includes 10 hours of one-to-one intensive teaching, coaching and mentoring on a specifically designed and targeted program along with 15 hours of supervised on-site practice. This can be combined with a distance education curriculum through a home schooling agency which becomes the student's home school.  If an IEP is available ...