The Vancouver Learning Centre
is the "Village" it takes
to get the very best outcome
for each learner.

The VLC is not a school but a Specialist Learning Centre. The VLC delivers a team-based process. A teaching captain is assigned to oversee the program delivery and to be the main contact with the parents who then become an integrated part of the team. Schools can then be involved as appropriate.

In the case of home schooling, the curriculum, homework tasks, testing, and the program to earn credentials and provide oversight to the curriculum is up to the distance education school. This becomes the learner’s school and the VLC will work collaboratively with the school’s contact person and will actively address all IEPs or special needs developed by that school.

Whether the student attends on site at VLC and remains as part of a class or works with a distance education school, the VLC becomes the specialist provider of one to one teaching based on the special needs of the learner in collaboration with the learner’s parents and the contact person assigned by the school.

The Vancouver Learning Centre
is the "Village" it takes
to get the very best outcome
for each learner.

For new clients the process begins with a complimentary interview and discussion of goals and challenges. Perceived strengths and areas of concern emerge in this dialogue.

From this information and school records if available, an individualized program is designed to enhance university level academic performance.

Support for excellence in achieving high grades for the best graduate level opportunity, as well as support for any perceived areas of concern, are integrated into an individualized package and delivered by highly qualified VLC faculty who act as teachers, mentors and coaches.

The VLC Signature Programs and Tool Kit is taught and applied in the context of the university classroom. The preparation of term papers, study procedures, test strategies are part of this program. Basic skills in clear written expression, research, communication, language and content are covered. Course support in math, science and social science is available to be integrated into the program design as needed.

Preparation for SAT and GRE exams and coaching in any undergraduate content are also available.

Finally, through dialogue and discussion the new emotional and psychological challenges of the college and university culture and context are addressed in a safe coaching and mentoring relationship by teachers who know what students face.