To the parents for thoughtful consideration, and including some important explanations.
When a learner who has been away from a regular learning program decides to go back to school, both confidence and new skills can be the key to their success.
A broad array of proven learning techniques are included in every individually target designed program as a basket of appropriate skills to help our students achieve an excellent learning performance for the rest of their lives.
Learning disabilities are considered the cause of the problem when the teachers or parents are alerted because of a learner’s weak academic performance and/or behaviours that reflect lack of regulation and emotional maturity that are not grade or age appropriate. Learning disabilities are diagnosed ...
Giftedness should be considered when parents are alerted by their own feelings or by the young learner’s teachers, that they are showing potential well above age and grade level performance ...
Giftedness and Learning Disabilities appear together when both strong potential in some areas of test performance are present along with weak skills in others or when emotional regulation is immature. Giftedness with Learning Disabilities is diagnosed ...
Developmental (intellectual) disabilities and syndromes like Autism and Asperger’s, are considered when the learner’s performance in the ordinary skills of childhood in academic, cognitive, or emotional domains have not appeared at grade appropriate levels. Developmental disabilities are diagnosed ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound effect on the education and learning mastery of children, youth and young adults. Scientists and educators are raising the alarm that for some learners the deficit in skills and knowledge that occurred during the COVID-19 in-class disruption of education could become a life-lasting problem.
Language, the ability to speak and communicate, is the carrier of intellectual development in all learning, and most particularly in academic learning.
There are many causes of language delay. Hearing impairment, even if it is mild, and a whole variety of disorders like cleft palate or even simple blockages in the eustachian tubes in the ears, affect language learning.
Read more: Academic Underachievement and Language Development Delay
Children with behaviour disorders and emotional distress are often unsuccessful in the classroom. They demonstrate their unhappiness in a variety of ways. Children with ADHD are often unhappy going to school.
When disease, or the effects of chemotherapy/radiation, or head injury due to sports injury or to automobile or accident occurs, the learning journey is interrupted, sometimes in devastating ways. At the Vancouver Learning Centre, intensive and comprehensive programs have helped children, adolescents and adults achieve “personal best” outcomes. We are here for the long term and have achieved some remarkable outcomes well beyond expectations.
Home schooled students can benefit in a variety of ways from a partnership between the professional teachers at the Vancouver learning Centre, their primary home teacher, and the students themselves. There are many reasons why students need to be schooled at home and outside the public or private school system even in a large metropolitan area like Metro Vancouver, which is well served by public and private schools.
Read more: Home Schooled Students with or without Learning Disabilities