The Vancouver Learning Centre
is the "Village" it takes
to get the very best outcome
for each learner.

The VLC is not a school but a Specialist Learning Centre. The VLC delivers a team-based process. A teaching captain is assigned to oversee the program delivery and to be the main contact with the parents who then become an integrated part of the team. Schools can then be involved as appropriate.

In the case of home schooling, the curriculum, homework tasks, testing, and the program to earn credentials and provide oversight to the curriculum is up to the distance education school. This becomes the learner’s school and the VLC will work collaboratively with the school’s contact person and will actively address all IEPs or special needs developed by that school.

Whether the student attends on site at VLC and remains as part of a class or works with a distance education school, the VLC becomes the specialist provider of one to one teaching based on the special needs of the learner in collaboration with the learner’s parents and the contact person assigned by the school.

The Vancouver Learning Centre
is the "Village" it takes
to get the very best outcome
for each learner.
Dr. Schwartz here...

Learning disabilities are considered the cause of the problem when the teachers or parents are alerted because of a learner’s weak academic performance and/or behaviours that reflect lack of regulation and emotional maturity that are not grade or age appropriate.  Learning disabilities are diagnosed ...

Learning disabilities are diagnosed when test performance on subtests of standard tests of intelligence, such as the WISC V or Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale 5, indicates significant differences between strengths (that signal potential) and weaknesses, that do not occur by chance.

By the time action is taken, many learners have fallen behind their classmates in developing their knowledge, skills, and function within average parameters for the grade. Thus, especially in young students, difficulties in learning to read, write, spell, use language, and do mathematics have appeared. These skills look weak on academic tests in comparison to their other skills not dependent exclusively on classroom lessons that reflect an average or even gifted potential (i.e. they seem bright).

If measures to correct the root of the problem are not undertaken, then this diagnosis becomes predictive of life outcomes, a self-fulfilling prophecy, since the ineffective (for them) learning approach, style, and strategies that caused the problem are embedded in the regular school system in both public and private schools.

However, at the VLC, we now know the brain is neuroplastic and can improve in skills and function when a different, strategic approach to teaching these learners is undertaken. The VLC’s individually designed, strategic, targeted program addresses its signature programs and services to the root cause of learning difficulties and developmental delay in each case in 4 ways: 

  • We establish goals and potential academic destinations by identifying and using the learners’ strengths.
  • We address weaknesses (below grade level performance) by building new skill platforms in areas of weakness using a different approach to teaching them.
  • We integrate both of the above by building success and learning independence into current and future learning by the array of neurocognitive and academic programs and services set forth in each individual program at age appropriate levels in:
    1. Neurocognitive training
    2. Academic skills and executive function development
    3. Emotional maturity and regulation training
    4. Behaviour support using CBT methods.
  • The VLC’s Learning to Learn signature programs and services are taught at appropriate age and grade level so they can be used to grow strengths to challenge levels to:
    1. Build skills to grade level and work directly on emotional strength and regulation to inspire more mature behaviour
    2. Look ahead at their academic challenges in the classroom directly (Week-Ahead Program) and use teaching, coaching and practice strategies to reduce their challenges to manageable levels
    3. When appropriate these processes are integrated with whatever education is ongoing
    4. If an IEP has been established by the learner’s school (on-site or distance ed) its priorities will be integrated into the program delivery provided