The Vancouver Learning Centre
is the "Village" it takes
to get the very best outcome
for each learner.

The VLC is not a school but a Specialist Learning Centre. The VLC delivers a team-based process. A teaching captain is assigned to oversee the program delivery and to be the main contact with the parents who then become an integrated part of the team. Schools can then be involved as appropriate.

In the case of home schooling, the curriculum, homework tasks, testing, and the program to earn credentials and provide oversight to the curriculum is up to the distance education school. This becomes the learner’s school and the VLC will work collaboratively with the school’s contact person and will actively address all IEPs or special needs developed by that school.

Whether the student attends on site at VLC and remains as part of a class or works with a distance education school, the VLC becomes the specialist provider of one to one teaching based on the special needs of the learner in collaboration with the learner’s parents and the contact person assigned by the school.

The Vancouver Learning Centre
is the "Village" it takes
to get the very best outcome
for each learner.
  1. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  2. Anxiety Disorders/with learning disabilities/with Giftedness/or both
  3. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is used in combination with academic programs
  4. Worry Dragons, a program that teaches coping skills is used at the VLC in combination with other programs for anxiety behaviours
  5. Giftedness program (see Giftedness Advanced Achievement)

Parents Advisory

Children with behaviour disorders and emotional distress are often unsuccessful in the classroom. They demonstrate their unhappiness in a variety of ways.  Children with ADHD are often unhappy going to school.   Their best subject is recess or P.E. and their best day at school is the last day before summer holidays. They act out in class, or act the clown to avoid showing...

Continue to ADHD and Learning Disabilities